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路演预告 | 2024东升杯国际创业大赛·瑞士生命科学项目路演


路演预告 | 2024东升杯国际创业大赛·瑞士生命科学项目路演



2024 The 12th “Dongsheng Cup” International Entrepreneurship Competition was officially launched in April. The competition was launched in 2013 and has attracted a total of 14179 excellent entrepreneurial projects from nearly 100 countries and cities, including more than 3000 overseas projects. It has focused on following up and incubating more than 3000 projects, aiming to provide a cutting-edge advantage and technological support for global innovation and entrepreneurship.

The competition actively expands the scope of international competition, this year set up several overseas divisions in Switzerland, UK, France, Germany, Spain, USA, Middle East etc., and established cooperative relations with them. The cooperation model is to set up incubation bases for both sides to help each other’s projects achieve a soft landing in their own countries.

瑞士项目路演 Roadshow



2024 The 12th “Dongsheng Cup” International Entrepreneurship Competition

Swiss Life Science Startups Roadshow


May 24, 2024 (Friday)

北京时间 Beijing Time:15:00 – 17:00

瑞士时间 Swiss Time:09:00 – 11:00

Zoom Online 线上路演


Welcome experts, scholars, practitioners, investors to watch!


Please scan the QR code below to register, and you will get the live link to the roadshow.

部分参赛项目介绍 Participants

Vitruvian Shield

瑞士 Switzerland

Vitruvian Shield是一个综合性的数字健康平台,结合了尖端的传感器技术、云计算和人工智能分析,为医学研究和远程患者监测提供了一种全面的方法。平台从智能手表和移动应用程序中收集生命体征数据,为患者和研究人员提供实时信息。

Vitruvian Shield is a comprehensive digital health platform that combines cutting-edge sensor technology, cloud computing and artificial intelligence analytics to provide a holistic approach to medical research and remote patient monitoring. The platform collects vital signs data from smartwatches and mobile apps, providing real-time information to patients and researchers.


瑞士 Switzerland


Babylat is the first automated tabletop device for human milk protein enrichment. It is a unique solution to help to feed the preterm neonates by most efficient way with own’s mother milk or donor milk.

Gabi Smartcare

比利时 Belgium

呼吸系统疾病每年影响全球2.7亿儿童,给医疗系统带来1200亿美元的直接成本负担。尽管呼吸疾病是世界卫生组织和国际社会的优先事项,但在很大程度上仍然诊断不足,管理不善。Gabi SmartCare是一家医疗科技初创公司,为慢性呼吸道疾病的早期诊断和日常管理开发预测性家庭监测解决方案。

Respiratory diseases affect 270 million children worldwide each year and impose a direct cost burden of $120 billion on healthcare systems. Although respiratory diseases are a priority for the WHO and the international community, they remain largely under-diagnosed and poorly managed. Gabi SmartCare is a medical technology startup that develops predictive home monitoring solutions for the early diagnosis and day-to-day management of chronic respiratory diseases.


瑞士 Switzerland


Agricultural greenhouses are key to a sustainable food supply, but they have a huge energy demand due to heating and artificial lighting. Governments, retailers and consumers are all pushing to reduce the carbon footprint of greenhouses. Voltiris is able to simultaneously use large greenhouse surfaces to generate electricity without compromising its high agricultural yields. Voltiris has introduced a solar panel design that generates electricity from a part of the sunlight spectrum that is not used for crop growth.

Maven Health

瑞士 Switzerland

Maven Health为医疗保健提供者提供端到端的代谢健康解决方案,以最低的侵入性、有竞争力的成本对个人进行测试,并实现深度数据解释和通信。公司使用唾液作为生物流体,通过核磁共振(NMR)的自定义分析方法进行代谢物测量分析,为医疗保健专业人员提供了一个易于使用、直观的数据平台。

Maven Health provides healthcare providers with an end-to-end metabolic health solution that tests individuals at the lowest invasive, competitive cost and enables deep data interpretation and communication. Using saliva as a biofluid, the company performs metabolite measurement analysis via a custom analytical method of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), providing healthcare professionals with an easy-to-use, intuitive data platform.

更多活动预告 Preview

中瑞创新之旅”将于2024年6月27日在中关村东升科技园举办,活动由中关村东升科技园瑞士知名国际创业孵化组织Venturelab共同举办,将汇聚中瑞两国生命科学、绿色能源领域顶尖专家学者、企业家、投资家,以及预计30余家被誉为“创新100强”的瑞士优秀创业项目,深入探讨中瑞企业在国际化发展的战略布局中,如何以中瑞两国为基点,拓展海外市场,形成互利共赢的合作格局。同时,聚焦生命科学、绿色能源领域的新思路、新模式、新场景、新应用,并展示最新成果 。


“China-switzerland Innovation Journey” will be held in Zhongguancun Dongsheng Science and Technology Park, on June 27, 2024. Co-organized by Co-organized by Zhongguancun Dongsheng Science Park and Venturelab, a well-known international startup incubation organization in Switzerland, the event will bring together leading experts, scholars, entrepreneurs and investors in the fields of life science and green energy from China and Switzerland, and more than 30 outstanding Swiss entrepreneurial projects, known as the “Top 100 Innovation”, to explore how Chinese and Swiss enterprises can take China and Switzerland as the base point in the strategic layout of international development, expand overseas markets and form a win-win cooperation pattern. At the same time, the event will focus on new ideas, new models, new scenarios, new applications in the field of life science and green energy, and show the latest achievements.

Details of the event will be released on this platform, so stay tuned!

往届海外路演回顾 Retrospect

2023 Germany

2023 France

2023 Canada

2023 Japan

2023 UK



中关村东升科技园与瑞士Biopôle生命科学园、法国索菲亚科技园、日本Innovation Dojo孵化器、以色列Hadassah孵化器等海外伙伴合作,为园区科技企业提供国际服务。




The Dongsheng Cup international roadshows will continue to hold multi-country roadshows from May to November 2024. Each roadshow preview and project information will be launched on this platform, please scan the QR code below to follow the account.





Dongsheng International Entrepreneurship Base, adhering to the spirit of Dongsheng Science and Technology Park to promote scientific and technological innovation,  has established International Incubator, Hydrogen Incubator, International Innovation Education Center and  International Cooperation Department, bringing together a team of entrepreneurial mentors in various fields to help enterprises get on the right track in equity financing, industrial landing, talent service and management science as soon as possible. It mainly focuses on the three major industries of life science, artificial intelligence and new energy/new materials.

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