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赛事活动 | 倒计时2天!中关村科学城·第十二届“东升杯”国际创业大赛瑞士生命科学项目路演


赛事活动 | 倒计时2天!中关村科学城·第十二届“东升杯”国际创业大赛瑞士生命科学项目路演



2024 The 12th “Dongsheng Cup” International Entrepreneurship Competition

Life Science Startups Roadshow in Switzerland


May 24, 2024 (Friday)

北京时间 Beijing Time:15:30 – 17:30

瑞士时间 Swiss Time:09:30 – 11:30

Zoom Online 线上路演


Welcome experts, entrepreneurs, and investors to watch!


Please scan the QR code below to register, and you will get the live link to the roadshow.

部分参赛项目介绍 Participants

Vitruvian Shield

瑞士 Switzerland

Vitruvian Shield是一个尖端的电子健康PaaS(平台即服务),集成了临床试验管理系统(CTMS)和远程患者监测(RPM)功能。它旨在增强临床试验和患者护理,为医疗保健提供者和研究人员提供无缝的数据集成、高级分析和全面的管理工具。该平台利用最先进的可穿戴技术和强大的云基础设施,确保准确的监控和实时数据访问。

Vitruvian Shield is a cutting-edge eHealth Platform as a Service (PaaS) that integrates Clinical Trials Management System (CTMS) and Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) functionalities.

Designed to enhance clinical trials and patient care, it offers seamless data integration, advanced analytics, and comprehensive management tools for healthcare providers and researchers.

The platform leverages state-of-the-art wearable technology and robust cloud infrastructure to ensure accurate monitoring and real-time data accessibility.laiy

图片来源 Pictue Source: https://vitruvianshield.com


瑞士 Switzerland

Babylat Enricher是一种新型装置,可以从人乳中现场生产用于早产儿营养的HMOF(人乳源强化剂)。该设备通过使人乳产品在任何感兴趣的医院广泛使用,解决了早产儿营养缺乏的问题。

Babylat Enricher is a novel device to produce the HMOF (human milk origin fortifiers) onsite from human milk for preterm nutrition. The device resolve the problem of nutritional deficiency of preterm neonates by making human milk-origin products to become widely available at any interested hospital.

图片来源 Pictue Source: https://babylat.com

Gabi Smartcare

比利时 Belgium

Gabi SmartCare 帮助护理提供者和家长能够在医院之外提供及时和高质量的护理。Gabi SmartCare建立了一个专利的、全面的、多功能的互联护理平台,满足0至18岁儿童的需求。在过去的12个月里,Gabi达到了几个重要的里程碑:他们已经证明,由于他们的皮肤校准算法(专利),他们的RPM可穿戴设备在深色肤色上的准确性优于他们的解决方案,他们已经获得了FDA的批准,并在29家医院部署,医生和家长的采用率为90%。

Gabi SmartCare is empowering care providers and parents to deliver timely and quality care beyond hospital settings. Gabi SmartCare built a patented, comprehensive and versatile connected care platform addressing the needs of children from 0 to 18 years old. Over the last 12 months Gabi reached a couple important milestones: they’ve shown that their RPM wearable outperforms accuracy on dark-skinned tones thanks to their skin calibration algorithm (patented), they’ve secured FDA Clearance for their solution, and deployed in 29 hospitals with ⁠90% adoption rate from physicians and parents.

图片来源 Pictue Source: https://gabismartcare.com


瑞士 Switzerland


Voltiris is a Lausanne-based company that is building the first solar modules compatible with greenhouse agriculture and their crops. Leveraging spectral filtering technology, Voltiris transmits to crops the essential light components for photosynthesis, while the ‘unused’ spectral elements are filtered and directed towards solar panels. This results in the production of renewable energy without negatively impacting the yield of crops underneath, thereby enabling growers to become more independent, sustainable, and profitable.

图片来源 Pictue Source: https://voltiris.com

Maven Health

瑞士 Switzerland

Maven Health处于代谢健康创新的前沿,提供基于唾液的非侵入性测试解决方案,使医疗保健专业人员能够预防、监测和优化代谢健康。

Maven Health is at the forefront of innovation in metabolic health, offering a non-invasive saliva-based testing solution to empower healthcare professionals in the prevention, monitoring, and optimization of metabolic well-being.


By leveraging saliva-based testing, streamline workflow, offer patients a non-invasive experience


Track a wide array of salivary metabolites, assess patient’s overall metabolic well-being

图片来源 Pictue Source: https://www.mavenhealth.ch/en

更多活动预告 Preview

中瑞创新之旅”将于2024年6月27日在中关村东升科技园举办,活动由中关村东升科技园瑞士知名国际创业孵化组织Venturelab共同举办,将汇聚中瑞两国生命科学、绿色能源领域顶尖专家学者、企业家、投资家,以及预计30余家被誉为“创新100强”的瑞士优秀创业项目,深入探讨中瑞企业在国际化发展的战略布局中,如何以中瑞两国为基点,拓展海外市场,形成互利共赢的合作格局。同时,聚焦生命科学、绿色能源领域的新思路、新模式、新场景、新应用,并展示最新成果 。


“China-switzerland Innovation Journey” will be held in Zhongguancun Dongsheng Science and Technology Park, on June 27, 2024. Co-organized by Co-organized by Zhongguancun Dongsheng Science Park and Venturelab, a well-known international startup incubation organization in Switzerland, the event will bring together leading experts, scholars, entrepreneurs and investors in the fields of life science and green energy from China and Switzerland, and more than 30 outstanding Swiss entrepreneurial projects, known as the “Top 100 Innovation”, to explore how Chinese and Swiss enterprises can take China and Switzerland as the base point in the strategic layout of international development, expand overseas markets and form a win-win cooperation pattern. At the same time, the event will focus on new ideas, new models, new scenarios, new applications in the field of life science and green energy, and show the latest achievements.

Details of the event will be released on this platform, so stay tuned!

东升杯 Dongsheng Cup



2024 The 12th “Dongsheng Cup” International Entrepreneurship Competition was officially launched in April. The competition was launched in 2013 and has attracted a total of 14179 excellent entrepreneurial projects from nearly 100 countries and cities, including more than 3000 overseas projects. It has focused on following up and incubating more than 3000 projects, aiming to provide a cutting-edge advantage and technological support for global innovation and entrepreneurship.

The competition actively expands the scope of international competition, this year set up several overseas divisions in Switzerland, UK, France, Germany, Spain, USA, Middle East etc., and established cooperative relations with them. The cooperation model is to set up incubation bases for both sides to help each other’s projects achieve a soft landing in their own countries.

往届海外路演回顾 Retrospect

2023 Germany

2023 France

2023 Canada

2023 Japan

2023 UK




参赛咨询:王女士 13263274779




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